
Reliable Switching and Protection


With hundreds in stock, Midwest Systems carriers most type and styles of contactors including the follow:
    • GE, Siemens, SquareD, Eaton Cutler-Hammer
    • Lightinig Contactors
    • Definitive Purpose Contactor
    • General Duty Contactor
    • Reversing and non-reversing
    • 1, 2 and 3 pole Genral Duty and Definitive Porpose Contactors, up to 9 poles for lighting contactors.
    • DIN and backplate mounting
    • 12 VDC, 120,240,480 and 600 VAC

Midwest Systems Advantage

Unmatched Selection
From compact options for smaller motors to behemoths for industrial giants, we have the perfect contactor for every need.
Expert Guidance
Our team of electrical specialists assists you in selecting, configuring, and optimizing your contactors for peak performance.
Competitive Prices
Get the power you need without breaking the bank, thanks to our competitive pricing and bulk order discounts.
Beyond the Basics

Midwest Systems goes beyond the basics. We offer a variety of resources to help you choose, install, and maintain your equipment, including:

  • Technical data sheets and application guides for seamless selection and installation.
  • Expert advice and troubleshooting support to address any challenges.

Invest in Midwest Systems contactors and unleash the full potential of your motors. Let us be your trusted partner in powering your operations safely, efficiently, and reliably.

More Solutions

Got a question about our electrical solutions? We can help!

Call us:

(913) 541-0641